Sunday, February 17, 2013

Laughter. Crying. Giggles. Singing. Clapping. Screaming. And mostly, "Mommy!"

These are just a few of the sounds I hear on a daily basis. I adore the sounds of the three energetic  passionate, loving toddlers that call this house a home. That's what it is. A home. It may not be the most organized (although I do love a clean house) or decorated (love that too), but it is a home that is filled with love, laughter and most importantly, is overflowing with God's love. I want it to ooze out of everywhere. I desire when people see me, they see God.  Not for all the things I can do but all the extraordinary things Christ does IN me. And when they enter our home, they know it's different.
I long for the day when people see my three littles, they see three sold-out lovers of Jesus. 

So many people have asked when was I going to start blogging our journey. Well, today is the day. Today is the day I am going to step out again. Step out you say? It's stepping out to me because I love to keep things personal. Why? Probably because I like to think I have it together and honestly, want people to think that too. But with honesty comes freedom. I was sitting beside a dear church friend this morning and while talking to her, I realized she didn't know about our decision to adopt. After sharing and hugging and crying, I decided I am going to start to write it down. I NEED to write it down. And if I end up helping or encouraging one person, then I did what I was supposed to. But also, there are people who want to join our journey with us and we need their prayers. We need their encouragement.

We are adopting a little girl from Japan! We have actually been waiting a year since December 2011 and have received acceptance letter from our adoption agency this past December (2012). We are so very excited and eager to have her join our family. It still looks like a long journey, but we will take the steps God has before us and let Him lead.

So thank you for joining our adventure with us. We are blessed.

