Saturday, March 16, 2013


We are moving forward. Finally beginning our homestudy.

I say that because we have been waiting a year to even start.  Just too many people on the list. I find it amazing that there are so many orphans who need families and yet, it takes so long to be placed. So many orphans who don't have a mother to hold them or a dad to love them. We just continue to be faithful and walk through the doors He opens.

I'm beginning to realize (not that I didn't know it but it's so different when you live it out) that when we have our daughter home it will ONLY be a miracle from God. My van just happened to break down last week. Never has before. Never needed anything other than maintenance. Yet, as we get ready to do our homestudy and pay for our homestudy, we have a major problem with my car that need seven hundred dollars worth of work. Seven hundred. It's funny, I'm not worried. I know those things will happen. And I know the God who is bigger. It's just money. We believe He gives us everything and He will provide. We would covet your prayers as we continue and finish our homestudy...

Just walking in faith. And so humbled He has called us to this journey.
